More Sonoma Diet Powerhouse Foods: Grapes

All varieties of grapes are nourishing. One cup contains 61 calories and about 5% of the recommended Daily Value (DV) of vitamins B1 (thiamin), B6 (pyridoxine) and C, as well as 33% DV manganese and 5% DV potassium.

When you buy grapes, go for the purple – the darker the better. The deep purple color indicates a high concentration of flavonoids, primarily quercitin and resveratrol. These flavonoids, also highly concentrated in purple grape juice and red wine, are good for your heart.

Flavonoids help prevent clot formation, similar to a daily aspirin, however with distinct advantages. Flavonoids are bio-available when adrenaline is released in stressful situations; aspirin is neutralized by adrenaline just when you need it most. Aspirin is irritating to the stomach lining.

The flavonoids found in purple grapes and their products decrease the risk of heart disease by: reducing platelet clumping and clots; preventing free radical damage to LDL cholesterol which in turn damages arteries. Although LDL is often called the bad cholesterol, it is actually benign and only becomes harmful after it is oxidized by free radicals.

Read more about the health benefits of powerhouse foods.

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