NOTD – Diamond Cosmetics Oh,Tiff!

Oh, my! My love affair with Diamond cosmetics continues. Seriously, why are these not more widely stocked in the UK? I got these over at (great customer service!) for around £3. Not just great polish, bargains too! Once again the formula was scrumptious and three thin coats gave me perfect coverage. The only little niggle was the drying time. It isn’t exactly fast but I can forgive this polish this one minor sin.

The colour is a beautiful nod to the famous Tiffany blue (trademarked I believe so they can’t do an exact match). In certain lights it has fairly strong green leanings. I’m not entirely convinced it’s doing my skin tone any favours but I’m probably going to wear it all summer anyway!

And then I tried my hand at my first ever Konadicure. This is plate M51 and I used GOSH purple heart for two reasons: one I don’t have any special polish yet and nothing else I own worked and two GOSH purple heart, much as I love it, is responsible for the yellow stains on my nails. At least this way I have found a use for it that doesn’t involve nicotine nails.

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