Today's Beauty Routine

It's snowing today in NYC and I'm using it as an excuse to stay inside wearing my pajamas, eat Ben & Jerry's Creme Brulee ice cream straight from the pint (my local scoop shop did NOT have the new Limited Edition Maple Blondie yesterday as promised), update this blog, and tell myself that I am too old to watch MTV's Shore House while surreptitiously flipping back to it from the History Channel.

On days when I nix leaving my apartment I don't feel human unless there is some beauty routine going on, however minimal. In the shower I used Neil George Everyday Shampoo and Conditioner, Red Flower Ocean Body Wash (ADORE. It smells exactly like the ocean), Neil George Detangle Nourishment Spray, and Nude Skincare Cleansing Facial Wash. I then used my ExfoliKate Gentle, applied my Stem Organics Hydrating Facial Fluid and Origins GinZing eye cream, slicked Carol's Daughter lip balm on my lips for some moisture and applied a fresh coat of Poshe topcoat to my nails. Bare bones but enough to feel like a person!
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