Chantecaille Raffia Lips of the Day

So the weather today in NYC was just beyond abhorrent. Beyond. It was the worst of all worlds--snowflakes the size of golf balls combined with sleet, slush, and rain to ensure that the sidewalks were slick, the subways flooded, and I spent the majority of my day wet from the knees down with matted hair. Add in wind gusting strongly enough to turn an umbrella inside out and prevent any sort of lip gloss from being worn and all you want to do is crawl under the covers and watch Dirty Dancing with a cup of hot chocolate. Unfortunately for those of us who have to do the whole work thing to support ourselves (read: makeup addiction) this was not an option, and so I resorted to "cozy" makeup--warm cheeks, soft eyes, warm nude brown lips, courtesy of Chantecaille Raffia. I've only worn Raffia once previously, generally finding it a bit too warm and too brown (Space NK lighting is quite deceptive and I'm convinced the tester had a pink shimmer in the store), but today it was just right. Not so brown that it evoked the Revlon Coffee Bean of my teen years, but enough to read spicy winter lips.
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