An Inquiring Mind: Nicole’s Skin’s Type and Condition - Part Three

Though you can’t use certain products on your breakout-prone face, you might be able to use a richer moisturizer on your cleavage, neck and other areas where you notice that creepy crepe-iness. Moisturizing is not just a temporary measure. It helps support the skin’s glycan network and keep the skin thick and supple. Read more about moisturizers.

Depression definitely ages you – and in more ways than one. It is a physical stress on your body. Your immune system may be weakened and free radicals meet with less resistance. At the same time, you can’t find the energy to take proper care of yourself and you let your skin care (and overall care) routine go by the wayside.

I’m glad that you are over the worst and are fighting your way back. Taking pride in your appearance is a good sign. I hope you are eating a lot of high-antioxidant foods and/or taking antioxidant supplements.

Also consider that perhaps you’re being too hard on yourself. If people’s comments about how young you look are unsolicited, try to take them at face value (pun intended). We are often our own worst critics.

I never thought I was pretty. In my sixties, I look back at pictures of me in my 30s, 40s and even 50s and think I looked pretty darn good. Too bad I couldn’t appreciate my looks then. These days I make an effort to like what I see in the mirror.

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