Be Kind to You Day

You probably didn’t even notice that I didn’t post my usual blog last Monday. I decided to be kind to myself and take a day off. If your to-do list is stressing you out, why not consider doing the same? Take a look at your list and decide what items can be crossed off entirely, delegated or at least postponed. Chances are no one else will even notice.

Almost everyone finds their stress levels getting out of control once in a while. It takes real effort to step back and say, “I don’t want to live like this; I won’t live like this.” If you don’t address your stress, you’ll find yourself on a downward spiral of deteriorating health, deteriorating relations with those around you and decreased ability to handle the problems that brought on the stress in the first place.

Negative emotions really take a toll on the body. They accelerate the aging process. They weaken the immune system. They lower your present quality of life and the quality of life for those around you! Too much adrenaline, not enough serotonin. The body is constantly in a fight or flight mode. Stress is an enemy we all really need to resist.

For some suggestions on how to get your stress under control, Click Here.

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