Consequences of not blogging

When I stopped blogging some 3 months ago unexpected consequences emerged.

Firstly my nails are atrocious, unkempt, uncared for, unloved.

Gone are the manicured jewels of the spring

Leighton Denny Berry Nice

I like nail varnish and colour, if I haven't done much else to make me feel as if I have made the effort, nails make me feel that bit more together. I can't wear nail varnish for work, so applying it defines my week for me - come Wednesday afternoon I can apply some colour and enjoy. I also think that nail varnish really is like jewellery, others get the benefits of earrings, but nail varnish, like rings and jewellery can be enjoyed by me.

A second consequence is that I have more room for my products because I don't feel that I have to keep the outer packaging in order to photograph the whole product. I still keep some packaging - it is a vain attempt to make me feel that each time I am using a product I am *opening it new everyday* and thus will not need to purchase new products with such regularity.........ha

But when the packaging is as beautiful as this, it is a crime to recycle it.

Cue a review of Pai skincare coming soon -  to borrow from The Fast Show "this week I will mostly be..... tending to my nails"

Of course the forseen but not fully understood consequence of not blogging is missing other bloggers dreadfully.
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