Do Topical Skin Care Products Work?

WebMD recently published an article re-igniting the debate as to whether or not topical skin care products can reduce or eliminate facial lines and wrinkles.

One one side are doctors who claim that a skin cream cannot have the same effect as Botox injections and other surgical cosmetic procedures. On the other are the scientists who create these skin care products who maintain that, although their products will not have as pronounced an effect as a Botox injection or plastic surgery, they do produce real results. In their view, topical skin care products are for those who would prefer to avoid costly injections or cosmetic surgery.

Dr. Loren Pickart, the scientist best known for his research into the use of copper peptides in skin and hair care products, feels that the new frontier in skin care will be in the cosmetic field rather than in the medical one. His opinion is that it is simply getting too costly and time consuming to get new drugs through the FDA approval process, so companies are concentrating more on the science behind cosmetics.

And this science is developing rapidily. For example new delivery systems allow the effective ingredients of antiaging skin care products to penetrate the outer layer of the skin so that they can work on the underlying collagen and elastin.

So even some of the skeptical physicians do concede that some of the more effective creams do produce at least limited antiaging results.

This argument will go on for quite some time. In the meantime read
Does Topical Skin Care Work? for a list of skin care products WebMD thinks might be worth your consideration.

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