Dr. Nicholas Perricone’s Latest “Must-Have” Book

I call Dr. Perricone’s latest book a must-have because I must have it! I just ordered it from Amazon and can hardly wait for its arrival. The title is Dr. Perricone's 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health, and Longevity: The Miracle of Cellular Rejuvenation. Here is an excerpt.

… My goal … is to build on my previous work and go even deeper than I have before. Exciting new scientific developments are showing us that there is even more we can do—we can actually rebuild our bodies on a cellular level. Brain, bone, muscle, and skin can all benefit in a process known as cellular rejuvenation.

Once the realm of salesmen of questionable supplements and potions, the field of anti-aging has now taken its place at the forefront of legitimate scientific research. Each day new reports on studies are published, studies showing that science is on the brink of learning how to trigger the cellular self-repair mechanisms that appear to be a driving force in life extension.

In this book we will explore multiple disciplines, all of which are accessible to everyone. We will learn how cellular rejuvenation works; it is a new and exciting science that will restore mental and physical health to all areas of the body, both inside and outside. For the first time we have the means and the methods to stop age-related decline of all organ systems. Some of our tools are thousands of years old, long forgotten and ready to be reintroduced in this book, while others are current discoveries. Together they provide us with up-to-the-minute strategies to both delay and reverse the negative effects of aging.

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