Even More NEW Fat-Fighting Tips! - Part Four

11. More on capsaicin – Japanese researchers gave 13 women breakfast containing capsaicin, e.g. a western omelet, and observed that they ate less than they normally had for lunch.

12. Metabolism boosters? We know there are diet pills that make one hyper and that the increased calorie burn causes weight loss. However according to Japanese researchers, there is a more benign metabolism booster – catechins found in nearly all teas made from the Camillia sinensis plant, including white, green, black and Oolong tea. [Catechins are also found in chocolate, wine and some fruits and vegetables.]

Kao Corp. produces a catechin-enriched bottled tea. Thirty-nine overweight employees were put on a moderate diet and told to drink one 340ml bottle of tea (11.5 oz.) with dinner each day. The half given the catechin-enriched tea experienced an increase in metabolism, a decrease in bad cholesterol and lost more weight. The high catechin group lost an average of 1 ½ inches from their waistlines. The control group lost half as much.

13. Another metabolism booster – olive oil. Australian researchers found that extra-virgin olive oil boosts metabolism and helps burn calories. In a second Australian study two groups of men were given equal calorie diets, one high in saturated fats and the other high in monounsaturated fats like olive oil and avocados. After four weeks, the monounsaturated fat group had lost more weight
and burned more fat.

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