
As the market waits with bated breath for the scoop on Avon’s new product launch, ThermaFirm Face Lifting Cream, people are also puzzling over where in the world Avon got the idea for an anti-aging cream that purports to use “triple-sonic technology” to “form a 3-D matrix on your skin. The wave of the future. Unprecedented lifting. Pain-free.”

The company claims the ultrasonic stressed yeast, hydrolyzed protein and other special ingredients: “stimulate collagen production; protect against collagen breakdown by inhibiting collagen-depleting enzymes; and stimulate fibronectin, which helps link the dermal fibers together.”

Sounds to me like something out of an old Buck Rogers episode. But, as they say, truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. There actually is a face lifting procedure based on radio waves. It’s called Thermage; and believe it or not, Thermage received FDA approval in 2004.

Thermage uses radio waves to heat the collagen beneath the skin. The resulting irritation stimulates the body to produce significant amounts of new collagen over the next three to six weeks. The improvement lasts up to two years. Thermage is said to be especially effective to reverse sagging in the mid and lower facial area. Read more about Thermage here.

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