Doctor-Recommended Antiaging Skin Care

A colleague sent me the link for this interesting antiaging Today Show video clip. It’s an interview with dermatologist Dr. Jeanine Downie regarding antiaging skin care. Dr. Downey gave her specific recommendations for the 30s, 40s and 50s. Her recommendations were very balanced and included several brands and price ranges.

Her first recommendation for
every age group was broad spectrum sun protection. She specifically mentioned high SPF (for UVB protection) and Parsol 1789 (for UVA). If you can find it, Helioplex is an even more advanced UVA protectant. Read about Helioplex here.

For the 30s, the doctor recommended MD Forte Cleanser,
Prevage, which she called the best antioxidant on the market and Bobbi Brown Skin Supplement which she said was another excellent antioxidant. Personally I question the use of two antioxidant potions. There are only so many steps each of us can work into our daily skin care routine.

For the 40s Dr. Downie recommended MD Forte Cleanser, TNS Illuminating Eye Cream, TNS Recovery Complex and Sisleya Daily Line Reducer. And for the 50s and beyond: TNS Rejuvenator,
Neova Day Therapy and Crème de la Mer.

I’ll talk more about these doctor-recommended products in upcoming blogs.

Dr. Downie is board certified by the American Board of Dermatology and holds medical licenses in the states of New Jersey and New York. Dr. Downie is the director of her own practice in Montclair, NJ.

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