Blogger Interview With An Urban Belle

The lovely Stacey from Urban Belle agreed to answer a few questions for us. I love reading blogger interviews, it's always fun to hear what other bloggers think! If you would like to do an interview or if you have some suggestions for questions please do let me know in the comments.

Quick fire question – tell us something you love about blogging and something you’re not too crazy about!

I love the feeling that someone has come to my blog to check about a product possibly before they purchase, or to agree with my thoughts if they have purchased too. I love reading comments from readers, it's such a good feeling that someone has taken the time to leave a comment, and I always reply. I have met so many great people through blogging who I genuinely count as friends now, and I would never have known them if it wasn't through blogging, how amazing is that? Something I'm not too crazy about is the 'clique-ness' of bloggers, and the feeling that there are those who feel they are 'above' others because they have a higher number of followers. 

·         * Why beauty/ makeup? What made you decide you wanted to blog about it?

Make up and beauty products have always been such a big part of me, I'm obsessed! Ever since I've been old enough to earn my own money I've constantly hunted out new products, all promising this and promising that! For a long long time I would search blogs and read reviews on products before I purchased them and it was such a big help, I discovered so many new things, and stayed away from things that others were saying weren't very good. I thought to myself 'wait a minute, I could be doing this too - it looks such fun!' and so I did.... and it is! 

·         * You have 5 minutes before you have to leave the house. What items do you throw on?

Most definitely mascara and a bit of lipstick. And clothes, obviously! 

·        *  Are there any brands that aren’t available in your country that you would love to try? What ‘local’ brands do you think everyone should have a chance to try?

There are so many things available in other countries - we totally get the short end of the stick here! I love Sephora's mascara wardrobes where they have 10 (I think?) trial sizes of mascaras from all different brands so you can try them out - why do we not have that here?! I wish NYX was more readily available here too. Although not a particularly 'local' brand, I think everyone should purchase at least one thing from E.L.F Studio line, the quality really is fantastic and for such good prices. They do a lot of what other big brands can't seem to manage - regular promotions on their products, products that live up to the hype and super fast shipping teamed with fantastic customer service. 

·        *  What entices you to follow a new blog? What puts you off?

I like to read a blog that you can see the author has put some work into. I also like to see a mix between high and low end products, every one needs a treat now and then. I like to read something that is simply laid out, without too much 'busyness' or advertising going on. And products that the author is genuinely interested in, and simply not just another free thing that has dropped through the door!

Thanks again Stacey! x
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