New on the virtual newsstand...

I was so tempted to post an image from the fantastic Black & Spiro store (that I have never visited), but figured that I would leave that up to others...
You all know how much fun I think that store is; I even proclaimed once, that I wanted to live there...

That being said, there are so many wonderful "blog homes" to view, and to read about, in the new Adore Home Issue. It just went live yesterday.

I come away with the above image, based on the beautiful saturated colors, the natural elements... Beautiful green glass, pottery in the most fantastic teal, the lemons ad a wonderful pop of color and what I can only imagine to be fresh herbs in the background. Loving the play on matte and shiny, glass and glaze, grey and white! Notice how your eye is drawn back to the amber and red glass ware in the very back...

This is my favorite image of them all!
Happy reading,


Image via Adore Home.
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