Blogger Interview - Lauren Loves

This week we are mixing it up a little with Lauren Loves . Lauren does write beauty reviews but also has a focus on fashion. Lord knows that's a department I need all the help I can get with!

        * Quick fire question – tell us something you love about blogging and something you’re not too crazy about!
I love the community! I've "met" so many wonderful girls who have the same interests and passions as myself which is so refreshing. I also love that becoming a blogger has opened up so many opportunities to make new connections, find new hobbies and learn so much about myself.
Sometimes I don't like how cliquey the community can be and how some bloggers complain about other who advertise, or discuss certain topics. Also commenters who abuse bloggers for not posting every day upsets me - they don't realise that this is our hobby and if we don't want to/have time to post, we don't have to!
·        * Why beauty/ makeup? What made you decide you wanted to blog about it?
I love beauty and makeup! I have such a passion for beauty and fashion (that rhymed...) I had to get it out there and stop boring my friends and boyfriend with my mindless comments so thought a blog would be the perfect outlet. I also have a really tough day job (I work with people who have had head injuries) so it's a great outlet for all things mindless and girly!
·        * You have 5 minutes before you have to leave the house. What items do you throw on?
Definitely a cute jumpsuit or maxi dress which I'm obsessed with at the moment, then shove my hair into a messy high ponytail and tie a black bow around it to make it more interesting. Then a quick slick of liquid liner, some mascara and I'm gone! I tend to shock friends by being quick to get ready!
·        * Are there any brands that aren’t available in your country that you would love to try? What ‘local’ brands do you think everyone should have a chance to try?
I don't really know to be honest. Here in the UK we are really spoilt by the big brands such as Sleek, Barry M and other fantastic names so I know other countries are trying to get our stuff, and I frequently get emails asking me to ship over products! I'd love to go to Forever 21 for a massive spending spree - I know they're online here now but the products don't seem the same. I also want Sephora to come back to the UK as they had some amazing products and now I can't find one anywhere!
·        * What entices you to follow a new blog? What puts you off?
I love a blog with smart, interesting content which is well written and informative. I like makeup reviews which include swatches on the place you'd apply them (I'm bored of lipstick swatches on hands, I want to know what it looks like on your lips!) I like blogs which have a nice clear layout and clear pictures (Bloggers need to please find the macro button on their cameras!)
And obviously when they're the opposite to that, it puts me off! Also if a blog is clearly full of PR press releases, and information which isn't relevent to the blog previously I feel a bit suspicious or put out - especially if the blogger is someone I love and suddenly their style changes! I obviously woulnd't complain to them though as it's their space to be who they want to be! 
Thanks for taking part Lauren! xx
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