NARS Blush/Bronzer Trio

I bought this for me, I wanted to see what all the fuss was around
Orgasm/Laguna, and well Albatross gets pretty good reviews as a

I think that this is a very well constructed package (snigger) it is sleek, sturdy and stylish to me. But I know that I won't use it, I won't, it represents to me all that is complicated about makeup:

Powder blush - can't do it. I have colour in my cheeks as it is, I can just about weedle a creme blush if I can be bothered and believe me everyone really does look better with a bit of blush, but I find it difficult enough to avoid the Aunt Sally with a cream texture and as for powder, well forget it, it is like advanced driving, to be undertaken only if the advantages outway the slog.

Bronzer - of any sort I have never gotten the hang of. As previously mentioned my skin tone is *ruddy porcelain* ie pale but thread veined and freckles-which-merge-into-one-big-block-of-age-spotness. The colour of the aforementioned brown bits of my face is akin to a bronzer colour anyway, I just look naff.

Highlighter - I like highlighters, I sort of feel that with enough natural colour albeit unwanted in my face, the paleness and moonlight gleamness of a highlighter can confuse the eye and restore my paleness. That said the shade of albatross is somewhat warm yellow gold, not good on me.

So this palette beautiful as it is remains looked at and occasionally stroked awaiting 25th December when I can palm it off as a present for my sister.
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