NEW Fat-Fighting Tips!

Today’s blog is a smattering of fat-fighting tidbits I’ve picked up lately. I don’t know if they’re all NEW to you, but they were to me.

1. In an Arizona State University study, subjects who had four teaspoons of vinegar before a high carb meal didn’t experience the blood sugar spike which often causes people to eat more later. On average, the subjects’ daily food consumption went down 200 calories. (Recipes to follow.)

2. More on vinegar – a Swedish study found that people who dipped their bread in vinegar, as the Italians do, felt fuller. Their theory is that vinegar slows the passage of food through the intestinal tract, making the stomach feel full longer. [I’d lay odds that the reason is the one given in #1, but this confirms the fat-fighting power of vinegar.]

3. Another blood sugar spike controller – cinnamon. A USDA study showed that just ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon a day lowered blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.

Here are more fat fighting tips.

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