Too Pretty!

Too pretty not to re-blog!!
(First spotted over here and subsequently here.... )


All those punches of color in an all white space, is soooo me!! Notice the old milk bottle holder thing-y, keeping the bar essentials easy to move. Very stylish idea!!

Great contrast... the wall hanging and the coffee table provides great contrast, as well as the punches of color in the floor cushions and the orchids.

Imagine how well you will be sleeping in this beautiful space! Windows open, fresh air, crisp sheets, fresh flowers.... Sweet dreams ;)

I would not feel bad, at all, spending a few lazy afternoons here!!

A favourite Scandinavian summer pass time is outdoor eating! The minute the first sun rays come out, so does the patio furniture! ... and really, wouldn't you love to sit here with friends and family?


A little lavender helps set the late summer mood... wonderful stone work! I hope you enjoyed this beautiful Swedish home! I could move right in, no question about it!!!!!!


Images via Skona Hem (first discovered via Scandinavian Chic blog)
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