Revlon Grow Luscious Plumping Mascara

Now I am not Jessica Biel, in fact I don't think we share any characteristics other than we are of the same sex. But I do like this mascara.

I have fine lashes which are quite long but break off at the meerest whiff of a mascara wand, and the removal of mascara, whatever method I use just causes trauma to my lashes which can last for days. So all in all for me I dye, curl and am good to go.

However just once in a while I would like a bit of lash action. I have used this for 4 days straight which is a bit of a record for me, and I do think with mascara one can make one's mind up pretty quickly. An example Rimmel Lash Activator, couldn't bear it, instant dislike, too black, wrong brush, to elasticy.

What I like about this mascara is that it has a big traditional type wand with proper bristles, none of that new fangled rubbery comb stuff which tends to rather stretch my lashes uncomfortably.

And whilst it is black, it is not too dense - its an age thing I think. Most importantly my lashes do not feel crispy as if they are coated in hairspray. It lasts, and whilst there is a bit of a smudgey grey black under the eyes come home time, it is not unflattering.

Of course now that I look at the eyes with mascara I feel as if it looks a bit much, which is typical of me.

It is currently £7.99 from Boots
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