Nanoblur Optical Skin Cream

As previously stated I love a good bandwagon, and if a product promises the moon who am I to not fall for its claims?

I had to laugh when I read someone's review on youtube, this person stated that they would not buy the product because of its claims, the implication being that they would not be so daft as to be sucked into purchasing a product with such high claims, but then went on to review the product which was given to her by a convenient.

I have no such qualms - I hotfooted it to the nearest Boots shoving aside old ladies and children in buggies in order to stand dishevelled in the middle of the store going "where is it? let me at it" In fact I did this in two shops before I found it.

I did not like the feel of this on the back of my hand - but I was undeterred and dear reader I bought this - you see I am 45yrs old, so 10yrs younger would make me 35yrs old, if I was 25 and testing this, well we can all do the maths.

I was a bit confused about the instructions, put it on over the top of a base? that is a bit arse about face to me so post moisturiser/sunscreen, pre base is how I used it.

I am not really a fan of primers, having a oilier skin one could think that they would be a boon for the cheery I-actually-just-wash-my-face-with-soap-and-water-hence-the-shine look that I seem to sport 2 hrs post makeup application but I find that primers either have no effect on my skin whatsoever or worse (to my mind) have the supermatte effect which seems to emphasise my pores making my nose resemble a non shiney strawberry.

I have tried very hard to photograph this on my skin - but no can do, I cannot show the difference that this makes so I will just have to describe it.....The texture is quite wet to my mind, and is not easy to blend into the skin, in fact along the way I have had several panic moments when my skin looks patchily white with the product sitting on the skin and not budging, but with a deep breath and continued gentle coaxing and massaging, suddenly it is all in, and the skin is matte and smooth and even, I then go onto apply my tinted moisturiser of choice (currently Liz Earle Sheer Skin Tint) which I think is sufficiently moisturising to work over the top.

My skin looks okay, infact pretty good. As an example I wore this when visiting my son in Leeds - early start, leaving at 8.30am, out all day, windblown and sun frazzled for it was the last super sunny day in October, and my makeup lasted, and lasted until I took it off some 12 hrs later, I was a tad shiney but it was nominal. Subsequent use has been much the same, I can still be shine city but the effect is delayed by several hours.

So did it remove 10yrs in 40 seconds? Do I look 35? Well no and frankly at 35 I was knee deep in a 5, 6 and 8 yr old, my OH was horizontal with a chronic illness and I was recovering from clinical depression so I wouldn't want to be that age again. But I do like the product and I certainly think it is worth a try.
Currently £19.99 from Boots
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