Dear Avon,
I went to your website to look up the ingredients in your new Clinical Advanced Line and Wrinkle Corrector only to see that you’ve stopped providing ingredient information. I refuse to put anything on my skin without knowing what it is.
I’ve applauded you many times on my website,, and in this blog for providing such vital consumer information. I thought it was the beginning of a very positive trend. I hoped you, being the biggest kid on the block, would drag the competition (kicking and screaming) along.
Instead you wimped out and have removed the nice ingredient list feature from your website. Consumers who prefer marketing hype to facts would never click on the ingredient link anyway, so what do you think you’re gaining by withholding this information from consumers who want to be informed before they purchase?
The first type of customer won’t even notice the difference. The rest of us will be annoyed and less likely to try your new products. Oh well, there are plenty of other skin care companies on the block. I’m going to be looking around.
Yours truly,
Tags: anti-aging skincare, Avon, skincare ingredients
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