Holiday Makeup/ I’m off!

This is a quick video just to say that I’m off on my belated honeymoon now. I’ll be away for 2.5 weeks and honestly I have no intention of going anywhere near a computer until I get back. I have however scheduled the usual daily posts. Please feel free to leave comments/ questions and I’ll catch up with them all when I get back 
I thought it might be fun to go through what I’m taking with me in terms of makeup. Please excuse the state of my hair in the video. I hadn’t straightened it yet so it’s a bit scary... I’m not taking a lot and I’m not taking anything expensive because a.) It might get lost and b.) I’m going to be on a beach so I won’t be wearing much makeup.

I hope everyone has a fab two and a bit weeks. I look forward to catching up with all your lovely comments and blog posts when I get back. Ttfn! xx
Save Holiday Makeup/ I’m off! on social network:

