Age Warrior: One Woman’s Tale - Part 4

In my last blog, Age Warrior Part 3, I shared my own fitness comeback story. If you’re not in the best physical condition you could be, please keep reading for more information that may motivate you to get off the couch and get moving.

Think of a complete exercise program as a triangle. Each angle is important to make the whole. The three essential elements of a complete anti-aging fitness program are: flexibility moves to maintain full range of motion and good balance; aerobic exercise for heart and lung strength; and resistance or weight training for bone health, muscle tone and overall strength.

Appropriate exercise is a great anti-aging tool. In addition to the above, it has been shown that exercise forces a natural release of Human Growth Hormone with all its anti-aging benefits. Age appropriate exercise does more than that. It helps your skin stay supple and smooth. It reduces stress levels and aids circulation.

Knowing all this, how could anyone choose to be a couch potato?!

If you’re still not convinced, please read this study report in which infirm 80- and 90-year olds were put on mild strength-training regimes. All needed canes, walkers or wheelchairs before the study.

Consult your doctor before undertaking any new exercise program.

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