Chanel Rouge Coco Shine # 54 Boy

I am always searching for the perfect MLBB shade and I get extremely irritated when MUA or beauty journalists talk casually about this sort of shade, stating something inocuous like "oh and just dig out that lipstick, the one that makes you look a bit more healthy/if you've just had a good snog/is the same shade as your lips but just a tad darker"

It really makes my blood boil because I don't know what that shade is, I have been wearing makeup for the past 35 years (yes I can be that specific I remember receiving a makeup kit in a bright yellow suitcase at around 10yrs old, and immediately applying the bright green crayon like eye pencil in a perfect circle around both eyes - I was delighted despite the guffaws of my Mum and her best friend who later had a roaring affair with my father and a child or 2 but that's another story).

I search high and low, high end and low end and as a consequence have a slew of half used bullets of lipstick in varying shades of beigey grey rosy pinky colour. Which is why I stick to glosses or balms, but sometimes I can feel as if I am a bit mutton.

So this product with its lipstickgloss hybrid seemed perfect to me.

As can be seen my lips are pretty pale and unsnogged.

This is a lovely colour, there is some warmth to the pink and it is very sheer in texture, perfect.....and yet I can never get it to look right on me, is it too peach? is it too sparkly? In reality it is neither of these, it is a beautifully textured if a tad expensive lipstickglossbalm but for a grumpy old beauty bag it just causes me to frown at myself yet again.
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