Blogger Interview - Sophie from Me Love Makeup

I originally found Me Love Makeup  through Sophies' Youtube channel. She does some fab tutorials as well as product reviews. This week she has kindly offered to answer my blogger interview questions.

Quick fire question – tell us something you love about blogging and something you’re not too crazy about!

I love to blog, I love writing for a start, and I enjoy the photography part. I really like to put a post together with pictures - I kind of love putting work into making it look good. I never used to be like that and when I look back at older posts of mine now, I have the urge to delete them, they make me cringe! I also love the community of bloggers, it's like a big group of friends that love make up and beauty as much as you do.

As for things I'm not so crazy about - It would have to be when things get bitchy between bloggers or their commenters, usually on twitter. I don't like bitching and back stabbing and I try to keep out of any of that. Blogging is something I do for fun, I'm not going to fall out with anybody over it.

Why beauty/makeup? What made you decide you wanted to blog about it?
It's just what I love, I couldn't see myself blogging so passionately about anything else. My blog started in 2008 - I made it to go along with my you tube channel .. I have to say, I was a bad blogger in the beginning, I never posted, and when I did it was pointless. I guess I just got more into it. Now I blog more than I make videos.

You have 5 minutes before you have to leave the house. What items do you throw on?
Brow powder, Mascara and Lipbalm -- I would add Tinted moisturiser, Face Powder and blush (If I had the time!) . Hopefully I could do that in five minutes!

Are there any brands that aren’t available in your country that you would love to try? What ‘local’ brands do you think everyone should have a chance to try?
So many, Mainly NYX and Wet n Wild. I know I could get hold of both if I tried, and apparently NYX is becoming more available here now. In honesty I would ust like to try any brands that I can't get in the UK. I love to try anything new that I have never tried before.

I think everyone should have a chance to try Sleek Make up from the UK. I'm a big fan of their products, and I think everyone should see how good they are!

What entices you to follow a new blog? What puts you off?
Good question. I don't know really. I think the content is the main thing that attracts me, if they are blogging about things that interest me. The style and lay out of the blog is important too, if it's clean looking and everything is clear, normally I will hit the follow button. 

The things that put me off are bad quality images, bad grammar and a messy layout that just looks disorganised, I find it off putting.

Thanks for doing the interview Sophie! I do sometimes think about deleting some of my awful first attempts at posting too but what the hell, they are funny if nothing else! xx
Save Blogger Interview - Sophie from Me Love Makeup on social network:

