Bloom Eye Paint – Champagne anyone?

I’ve often had a peek at the Bloom counter in Superdrug but the high price point for a drug store brand put me off. This eye paint, for example, was supposed to be £10. When I saw it on offer for £5 I took the opportunity to try it out. Now the colour I have here (Champagne) is no longer on the website however there are still others so it could be that just this colour is discontinued. But I have it so I’m reviewing it, because well.... I can. And the notes on the formula might be useful if you’re thinking of trying the other colours.

You get 6.5g of product in a MAC paint style metal tube. The packaging is my second gripe along with the price. The first time I opened this a gob of it shot out and got me in the eye (get your mind out of the gutter please!). Thankfully it hasn’t happened since. The product itself is a very thick cream, unsurprisingly in a shimmer champagne colour. Below we have them swatched heavily and then more blended in.

To be honest it doesn’t show up enough on me to be used as a shadow unto itself. What I like to use it for is to add shimmer to other shadows. I do this my applying a thin layer over my primer and then applying powder eyeshadow on top. Used like this you get a similar effect as you do when using UDPP in Sin. The shimmer shows through and is intensified. I also find if you use a thin layer then it helps keep shadows vibrant all day. Use it too thickly and you find yourself with some creasing.

Honestly though I like the consistency and the effect I think you’re better off getting UDPP in Sin or another shimmery primer and save yourself have to do two steps. Just my opinion... xxx

*I bought the above products with my own money. I always give my honest opinion of a product. For further info see my disclaimer in the menu on the left*
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