Makeup Free Days; Do you have them?

Me? No. Sad isn’t it. Only it isn’t really. I wouldn’t ever go to work without makeup on as the last few times I did someone asked if I was ill. Someone else asked if I was old enough to work there. I look and feel more professional and polished with my war paint on. 
Funny Pictures - Disapproving Chameleon
Disapproving Chameleon disapproves of your naked face.

But do I really need an inch of slap to go to a supermarket? No, I don’t NEED it. But chances are I will throw some tinted moisturiser, eyeliner and lipstick on before exiting the building. It’s not that I genuinely think I need it. For all my sense of humour is very self deprecating I’m not actually fussed about my appearance and couldn’t care less what people think of me. 

The thing is those 30-40 minutes (yes 40, I eat my breakfast and read blogs whilst doing my makeup) that I set aside for myself in the morning are my favourite part of the day. I get to sit with my headphones in and have a bit of me time. I get to play with makeup (favourite thing number 1), read beauty blogs (favourite thing number 2) and just relax a bit. Therefore I really do try and make a little bit of time for me everyday even if it’s only 5 minutes for the bare minimum. 

What about you? Do you wear makeup every day? If so, why? Let me know in the comments! X

*p.s. My husband informs  me that he should be by number one favourite and that makeup etc should be further down the list. 

*pp.s My cat has informed me that SHE is in fact my favourite and that everything else should pale in comparison. She has a point.
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