Piz Buin Self Tanning Lotion & Colour Dial

When you spot an £18.35 (240ml) fake tan in Home Bargains reduced to £4.99 you just have to pick it up right? I was sucked in by the price and the gimmicky packaging. You twist the nozzle to determine how deep your tan will be. This should have set off alarm bells. Regular readers will know that I am almost allergic to waste. If you use this in any other setting then the middle one side will run out before the other and that really irritates me. 

The pump really does my head in too (you may already be able to tell this isn’t a positive review?). You have to pump it over and over to get a decent amount of product out. By the time I’d done my whole body I was at risk of developing repetitive strain injury. Regardless of what setting it is on it comes out as a white cream. I prefer tinted tanners so I can see where I’ve missed so this combined with the pump meant that it took me twice as long as my usual tanner to apply. 

Now for some positives. It has a light fresh scent and by the next morning the eau de Hobnob isn’t very strong. It also claims to be hydrating and it actually is! My skin often feels dried out by tanners but this is fine.
Sadly the hydration comes at a price. It never seems to properly sink in and I spent the whole night feeling uncomfortably sticky. I set the dial right in the middle to satisfy my obsessive compulsive tendencies and woke up to find a slight difference in colour. Call me crazy (many do) but if I’m going to spend this much time and effort on a fake tan I want to bloody notice I’ve done it. And yes I could just turn the dial up but a.) We’ve already established that I’m weird about that and b.) the colour I did get had a distinctly orange tinge to it. I have no intention of becoming Lady Wotsit so I’m not going to risk it. 

You don’t even need me to say it but I will. No I won’t be buying it again and no I don’t recommend that you do either! x
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