From Within Sciences’ Labs to Within (Your) Skin - Part One

I recently received a press release about a new kid on the (anti-aging) block. Within Skin is the brand new website launched by FDA-registered pharmaceutical lab, Within Sciences. Within Sciences has been at the forefront of transdermal nanotechnology drug delivery systems and has expanded into anti-aging skin care products.

Within Skin offers the latest in anti-aging skin care science: nanosomatic delivery of the most effective skin anti-aging ingredients available today. I’ll talk about the specific ingredients in Within Skin products on Thursday.

As I've said many times, anti-aging skin care is not just a matter of vanity but also a matter of health. The skin is the body's barrier against disease and infection. Thick healthy skin insulates us from the cold and perspires to release excess heat. Healthier skin cells are more resistant to disease, sun damage, and breakouts. Healthier skin not only looks younger, it reacts as younger skin would.

As skin ages its metabolism slows and it produces less and less of its own vital nutrients. It would be nice if we could just slather the missing nutrients on the surface of the skin and prevent or reverse the ravages of time. But as I said, the skin is a barrier and prevents foreign matter from penetrating.

Thanks to nanotechnology, that is all changing. Not only are scientists finding and developing peptides, antioxidants and growth factors to replace or stimulate what the body can no longer produce on its own; but also they have developed delivery systems to get these vital nutrients into the cells where they can do their work.

Tags: transdermal drug delivery,
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