Soap & Glory Mighty Mouth Lip Balm

I can't really do eye shadows, it is not just an age thing although comparisions between my eyelids and tent awnings would not be out of place, but if truth be told I have just never been able to apply eye shadows, love it on others but I am more a lip person, and balms are right up my street.

This balm is by Soap & Glory and it comes packaged in the usual bright colourful and vintagey style which is innovative and eyecatching, with deliciously quirky product names like the mother pucker lipgloss. Many brands seem to do this now but I think that Soap & Glory remain the best. 

This is quite a waxy balm, so it doesn't feel so much as if it is sinking in, more that it is applying a layer on the lips.

It has the obligatory (in my mind) slanted tip

And is a bright bubblegum pink

But the colour is very sheer on the lips as can be seen below

Now this is not the greatest of shots, for some unexplicable reason, I decided to take this with the light source coming from the side, anyway it is to show that the colour whilst vibrant in the tube is sheer in reality.

I like this balm, it is currently £7 for 12mls from Boots and has an extremely comforting vanilla scent. It lasts through my snack of choice; cup of tea and a slice of birthday cake if anyone is offering. I would buy again. 
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