Red Hot Chiles: Red Hot Wonder Drug?

You’ve probably heard that capsaicin, the ingredient that gives chilies their heat, boosts your immune system. You may also know that it is used as a topical analgesic to relieve the pain of arthritis and fibromyalgia [Type “capsaicin” into the search box to find it.]. In addition, it’s used to treat psoriasis and muscle tension.

However, did you know that capsaicin is showing promise as a universal cure for cancer? How amazing would that be?! An affordable cancer cure that could be manufactured in virtually unlimited amounts.

Last March, a Cedars-Sinai Medical Center study showed that oral doses of capsaicin killed 80% of prostate cancer cells in laboratory mice. The dosage was equivalent to 400 milligrams for a 200-pound man. That’s not very much.

This January, researchers at the University of Nottingham released further study findings on capsaicin. They injected it directly into human lung and pancreatic cancer cell cultures. The capsaicin sought out the mitochondria of cancer cells and triggered their death. Since the mitochondria of cancer cells differ from normal cells, healthy tissue would be unharmed.

This understanding of how the capsaicin destroys cancer cells lead head researcher Dr. Timothy Bates to say, “As these cells attack the very heart of cancer cells, we believe that we have, in effect, discovered a fundamental ‘Achilles heel’ for all cancers.”


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