Fun Food Factoids: Chocolate is Good for You

Chocolate is good for you – in moderation of course – and dark is usually the best form you can eat. The flavonoids in dark chocolate lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol, promote healthy circulation, prevent heart disease, protect against certain cancers and improve insulin function. The higher the cocoa content, the more flavonoids.

Chocolate also is antioxidant-rich, contains vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid and is an excellent source of calcium.

Now some really good chocolate news: CocoaVia by the makers of Dove Chocolates is scrumptious
and produced using a special process that lowers the fat and calorie content while retaining the flavonoids and other healthy stuff.

For those who prefer milk chocolate, like me, CocoaVia uses the same process to produce milk chocolate with the same high flavonoid (cocoa) content. Yay!

The “recommended daily dose” of chocolate is 100g or 3 ½ oz., coincidentally just the amount you get in a
CocoaVia Snack Bar.

While 3 ½ oz. of full fat chocolate contains 540 calories and 30 grams of fat, the same amount of CocoaVia contains a mere 80 calories and 2 fat grams. Double yay!

Gift-boxed chocolates make a great gift for those special occasions. You can find a beautiful selection at
Dan’s Chocolates.

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