Dry Skin Care for Men - Part One

I usually address myself to my female readers. I think I need to stop that. When I first named my website “Ageless Beauty”, I envisioned an audience of 50+ females. Though that is our primary audience, our readership has grown to encompass readers of both genders and ages of 20 to 90! With 20-20 hindsight (don’t we all wish we had that?), I wish I had named the site “Ageless Youth”.

I recently received an excellent letter from a young male reader – well his 45 is young compared to my 62. It is long, but I would like to share it in its entirety. So this will span a few days’ blogs. However, my answer will be brief because Chad leaves very little to be said!



First, I just want to thank you for your site. It is very informative and the fact you emphasize ingredients over products is great and adds to the overall credibility of your site.

Unfortunately, I found it after failed attempts to do my own research on the web (most sites are really ad sites disguised as review sites) and then a fairly expensive visit to an esthetician.

If you have time, I would like to get your opinion of the regime I am currently using. I am a 45 y/o male and, because of infantile eczema, have used skin products my entire life. Given this, I don’t have the same “squeamishness” about using skin care that many of my male friends have.

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