Relax with Yoga

Here we are facing another weekend - time to relax, de-stress and forget about the pressures of the workplace. If you have a hard time making the mental switch from work to relaxation for the weekend or at the end of each workday, I suggest you give yoga a try.

Yoga is a wonderful and relaxing way to lower your stress, increase strength, balance, flexibility, endurance and ability to concentrate.

People who practice yoga can retain full range of motion and excellent balance into their 90’s and beyond. I can’t stress enough how valuable that is to quality of life.

To give you some idea, think of all the falls not taken, backs not wrenched and ankles not sprained or broken. With good range of motion and the balance to adjust to life’s little missteps, you are less likely to fall and, even if you do, you are less likely to suffer serious injury.

When anyone asks me how to come back to exercise after an injury or depression or many years as a couch potato, I recommend they begin walking and sign up for a beginner’s yoga class.

When a fit exerciser hits a plateau and asks me what they can do to provide new challenges and take their body to the next level, I again suggest yoga.

Yoga is one of the world’s oldest exercise disciplines, having been practiced continually for over 5,000 years. That certainly says a lot for its content. Read more about the benefits of Yoga here.

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