Better Than Botox?

When considering whether topical skin care products are for you, you have to look a bit more closely at the rationale behind the use of skin care products and the other alternatives.

For example, according to WebMD, a Botox injection costs about $400 and must be repeated every four to six weeks. A collagen injection costs even more, between $400 and $700 and might have to be repeated as often as every three months.

A Botox injection improperly administered can cause permanent damage to the facial muscles. In December 2004, the Palm Beach Post reported that some companies are selling a form of botulism - the main ingredient in Botox - not approved for dermatological use directly to some doctors and that this substance had caused at least partial paralysis in four cases.

Before you have a collagen injection, you have to undergo tests to see if you are allergic to the substance.

Both of these procedures can cause some pain and discomfort, as well as visible swelling and redness for several days after the injections.

More extensive procedures such as laser planing, chemical peels, dermabrasion and face lifts cost even more (although results are longer lasting), entail more risks, pain and discomfort. For example, after a face lift, you will look like you were attacked with a baseball bat, will suffer significant post-operative pain, swelling and bruising and won't be able to return to work for a week or longer.

Skin care companies concede that the results of the use of their products will not be as dramatic as the results of these cosmetic procedures, but that there are benefits for those who want to delay those more intrusive procedures for years - maybe forever.

Read more about the effectiveness of topical skin care products.

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