Yes, I really do have a sister Eileen – just like the movie. We don’t live close, so imagine my surprise when I received this e-mail.
Dear Jean,
I took your blog makeover advice [9/22] and reviewed a bunch of recent photos of myself.
I noticed two glaring things.
My modified page boy hair style is definitely out of style. It is dated and it dates me! It also looks too full for today’s fashions and, frankly, for my age. I’ve been wearing it this way for twelve years. Yup, I definitely got stuck in a hair rut.
The second thing I noticed is that most of my makeup pallets are good but that my bright pink eye shadow has got to go. In fact I already tossed it. I came up with the following makeup rules for myself.
1. Stay with classic more muted shades for eyes and lips.
2. Despite the usual advice against it, shimmery eye shadow is still flattering on me.
3. I need blush on my cheeks and chin (for my long face) more than ever, but it has to be subtly blended. (Thank you for the contouring advice 9/24 and 26!)
4. A big smile hides a lot of flaws!
Thank you for convincing me to take an objective look at myself.
P.S. You can see a scrapbook layout I did featuring the new me on my blog. Scroll down to 9/25. What do you think?
Tags: antiaging makeup, hairstyle, makeover
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