“Think”: a Little “Respect” for Me

Last month, I reported on a long-term Harvard study tracking almost 70,000 women over 16 years. The researchers reported a statistically significant relationship between getting five or less hours of sleep a night and weight gain. The sleep-skimpers had a 32% greater chance of gaining more than 30 pounds over the 16-year study period.

When I look back on it, I have to admit that sleep-skimping probably was a contributing factor to my gaining 38 pounds over a 15-year span (see my last blog entry). First came love. Then came marriage. Then came Jean with the baby carriage. I was working full time, taking care of the house without help and required to take graduate courses to retain my job. There were not enough hours in the day for sleep! Or for healthy eating. Plus there was probably a good bit of stress eating going on.

Musing on all this brings to mind snippets of two great Aretha Franklin songs.


“You better think (think, think) about what you're trying to do to me

Yeah, think (think, think) let your mind go, let yourself be free.”

I need to think about what I am doing
to myself if I don’t watch my weight.



Find out what it means to me


Take care, TCB” (take care of business).

And the business I need to take care of is

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