Amy at Cafe Makeup and Olivia from The Land of Makeup Obscurity have both tagged me, so like it or not, here are 7 random things about me!
- I am an insomniac. I've had trouble sleeping since I was a toddler--my mother says she used to peek into my crib and say "why won't you sleep?"--and it hasn't gotten much better! It's not that I can't sleep (okay, often it is), so much that my body just prefers to sleep 3AM-11AM, which believe it or not doesn't fly in the corporate world! Luckily I live in the city that never sleeps!
- I love watching Mystery on PBS/WLIW. Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, Foyle's War, Inspectors Morse and Lewis, Adm Dagliesh, Inspector Lynley...
- I was a victim of the 90s dark brown lipstick look. My friends and I all thought we were so sophisticated with our Revlon Coffee Bean lipstick in 9th grade. I look back and cringe!
- I wear concealer and mascara to the gym. Yes, I know, how shallow. :) I have scary dark dark undereye circles that would frankly frighten small children should they see me without concealer, and though I have reddish light brown hair and medium brown eye brows, I have blonde lashes! I'm not a fan of the contrast and until I buck up and try lash tinting, mascara it is!
- My makeup collection is worth more than all of the electronics in my apartment combined. It's the silly robber who makes off with the flat screens and leaves the Chanel behind!
- I've grown into preferring less mainstream, more "under the radar" lines. Though I have some items I really do love, I can't remember when the last time I bought MAC was. I currently love my Rock & Republic, Julie Hewett and Jouer collections, and hope to love the Ellis Faas I've just purchased. I also prefer smaller, natural lines for skincare and body products such as Stem Organics, Trilogy, Red Flower and La Licious. Interestingly, the more ubiquitous a line becomes the less I seem to pine for it. For example I loved Tarte when it was a niche brand at Bendels, but once it was available at 6 Sephoras in a 2 mile radius, I was decidedly less enamored. Maybe it's the thrill of the hunt? Perhaps that's why I'm still single...
- I love to cook and bake, which I have time for thanks to the insomnia (see #1) and necessitate the gym (see #4). In fact, I just pulled a Shepherd's Pie out of the oven, and while it cools, I'm tagging:
VexInTheCity and
Anna at Italian Beauty Blog
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