Interview: Line Thit Klein (II)

Now that you have been introduced to LTK the person (see previous post) let me share a little more of our interview, along with some of her (mouth watering) work. ENJOY!

Northern Light: I am fascinated by your food photography! I can almost taste what I am seeing, what's the secret?

Line Thit Klein: I just love food, I love everything about it. Looking at it, tasting it, smelling it... For me it's not just food but art, and it's my passion and job to present it to the world in the most amazing way I can.

The light is the secret!! If you know how to control and work with daylight, then you have come a long way.

NL: Besides being an AMAZING photographer, what else do you like to do?

LTK: I read a lot of magazines and I love to cook. I'm very lucky to learn a lot of tricks, all the cooks that visit my studio have showed me wonderful dishes and all the tricks to make it easy. Besides that (cooking) I love to take a long walk by the ocean, it clears my mind.

NL: What are you currently working on?

LTK: A new cookbook and I promise you - it's going to be fab!! It's very me and so are all the recipes. They are simple and easy for those who don't have five hours to bake a cake. We even have a chapter called "5 ingredients". There will be bits and pieces from the book on my blog.

NL: I truly love your portraits! (discover them here) What do you do to "connect" with the person? - to bring out their best side...

LTK: Luckily I find it very easy to be around all kind(s) of people. We need to (be) comfortable in each others company. Usually it takes some time, but after a while, and after we have talked some, the shoot comes alive and we create the world and atmosphere that fits the case.

Actress Tuva Novotny

Tuva Novotny

NL: Do you exhibit your work anywhere?

LTK: I just photographed a cookbook for famous Danish Chef, Paul Cunningham. So at the moment my pictures are on exhibit in Copenhagen. It's such a thrill to see my work in a big scale, it becomes art pieces in a whole new way.

NL: Do you sell your art pieces?

LTK: Yes, I do, but only on request.

NL: Do you book work in the US?

LTK: Yes, I love to work in the US. I have just finished a shoot in the Hampton's where I did a series on fashion. Next time I would like to visit Miami.

Line Thit Klein to the far right...

NL: How often do you travel for work and pleasure?

LTK: I think I travel a lot. In the next 6 months I'm going to Egypt, Turkey, Napoli and Dubai. I have two small girls, so I'm only away 1 - 2 weeks at a time, or else I bring them along.

NL: What is your favorite travel destination?

LTK: It must be Cote d'azur. I love going there most because of the French mentality. Things take time, have an espresso and relax. The decadence, I love it! Their temper... their wine, baguettes, (the) shopping center Carrefour, the food.. the smell of the warm air mixed with perfume.

NL:  Doing a little research for this interview, I noticed you are "everywhere"... Face Book, Website, Blog. You also have a young family... How do you keep up?

LTK: I don't! BUT, I love to blog and I try to find time every day, even though I'm busy. I try not to answer the phone and check my email when I am home with my kids, but when they are asleep, I open up to the world again (online wise).

I hope you have enjoyed reading this interview as much as I did doing it! I encourage you to check out Line's website, and check in on her blog from time to time!!
A HUGE Thank You to Line for participating, it's been a pleasure, and I hope to see much more of your work!
Let me know when you are booked for Miami ;) !


Interview by Natasha for Northern Light Blog
All images Line Thit Klein
Save Interview: Line Thit Klein (II) on social network:


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