Mmmm loveliness. I would like to point out that I had no intention of buying from Lancôme. I actually headed to the Esteé Lauder counter were I was ignored for a full ten minutes. The girl at the Lancôme counter on the other hand was immediately helpful and chatty without being pushy so she got my money instead. Take note sales people – I frequently refuse to part with my cash because I didn’t like the service I received. Even if a product is more expensive elsewhere if the shopping experience is better I will pay the extra pennies. I bought lipstick and mascara and was gifted with a whole box of free goodies which I will be reviewing shortly. Well played Lancôme! The MUA even solved the mystery of my colouring! I’d always assumed I was warm toned but could never be totally sure. Turns out I’m slap bang in the middle neutral! Huzzah! I can, apparently, wear any colour I want.
I also picked up Benefits Browzings which I have been craving for ever. I’m not entirely sure how much use I’ll get out or the powder but I suspect the wax will be gone very quickly. This again is not breaking the rules. I have unruly brows that will need taming on my wedding day so *blows raspberry* there.

Here’s where it all starts to go wrong. Zoya Pia and Jade ‘accidentally’ got delivered this morning. I am so excited to try these! Pia (the orange) looks like a fun summer colour. Jade might not get worn too much until winter but it looks scrummy in the bottle. Swatches will be following shortly!

The final (at last!) shopping sin was actually a treat from the lovely hubby-to-be. I have been searching for China Glaze Fortune Teller for a very long time, mainly to mattify a la Scrangie (if you haven’t seen the swatches go find. It’s stunning). I’ve basically given up but I did see somewhere that a decent dupe for the mattified effect is Gosh Rainbow over a basic black then a matte top coat. Of course when I read this and ran out to buy Rainbow I couldn’t find it for love nor money ... until yesterday.

Please tell me I’m not the only one that uses makeup as a pick me up when I’m feeling down? This haul was my shopping equivalent of half a jar of happy pills.
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