I got an award!

*I have put links in this post but blogger is eating them. I will have to put the address in and you can copy and paste (sorry!) untill I can fix this. By which I mean until H2B gets home from work and fixes this.*

I'm sorry I've been quiet the last couple of days. I actually started writing this post when I got the award a few days ago but I've been up to my eyes in soggy tissues because my poor baby Taz (my cat) has been in the vets and we were initially told she'd have to be put down. Good news though! They rethought and decided all she needed was a simple hysterectomy! My baby is coming home!!! :-) On to the post...

I was thrilled when I check my email last night to find that the lovely Missy Ellie http://missyellieuk.blogspot.com/ had given me an award! If you haven't checked her blog out yet then get over there poste haste! It's a fab read (with a really funky glittery back ground:)

Apparently there are rules to this here award malarky so here we go:

1) post the logo within your blog or post.
2) pass the award onto 12 fellow bloggers.
3) Link the nominees within your post.
4) let the nominees know they have received an award by commenting on their blog.
5) Share the love and link to the person whom you received this award from.

I'm going to try and pick people who haven't got this award already. I read a lot of beauty and nail blogs so it's very VERY hard to choose though!


Please understand there are a lot of blogs out there I would have loved to have given the award to but they either all ready had it or I just ran out of places! All of these blogs are worth a look. Some are new, some have been around for a while. I enjoy all of the immensly.

Thanks again Missy Ellie!
Save I got an award! on social network:


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