Blog award!!

The lovely Lauren over at nominated me for a blog award! If you haven’t yet checked out her blog it’s a really sweet feel good read so get thee over there post haste!

The Rules:
1. Thank the person that gave this to you :) Go on, give them a virtual hug!
2. Copy the award and put it on your blog.
3. List 3 things you love about yourself ♥
4. Post a picture you love (e.g a person you adore etc.)
5. Tag 5 people you wish to pass this award on to :)

1. Thanks Lauren! Have a virtual hug and a cup of tea if you want one.

2. Done 

3. Ooh er! I guess I think I have a lot of common sense. I’m so damn logical I’m practically Vulcan. Secondly I’m good with animals. I have 5 fish tanks, 2 axolotls, 1 cat, 2 bearded dragons and 8 giant African land snails. I may spend several hours a day scooping poop but I love all my babies and they are all spoiled rotten! Thirdly I actually like how the mild OCD means I always know where everything is and I’m always organised.

4. Well you have all seen pictures of Taz so here is a pic of RifRaf, the male beardy. He’s a big lazy boy. His sister won’t sit still long enough for a decent pic.

5. I read an awful lot of blogs and all of them are fab. I suppose the ones I’ve been enjoying especially lately are: (Again the links won’t work. I don’t know if it’s me or blogger or both). (Who has a fab give away on at the moment! Go check it out!)
Save Blog award!! on social network:

