In fact buttons have been used for this work of art, by the British artist and sculptor Ann Carrington.
A few days ago, the striking image below appeared on Shelter , and suddenly I remembered the image above.... (It had been tucked away in one of my files; I think originally be cause of the cymbidium orchids in the glass cylinder).

Then, re-reading the Shelter post, I came across the Bungalow Hotel, and here is a wide shot of that same room, with The Pearly Queen Bow artwork by Ann Carrington, commanding your attention on the back wall.

Below, yet another image, via Brown Button.

Ann Carrington was commissioned to do this piece of artwork for Queen Elizabeth of England's 80th Birthday. The original work is made from pearls, troca and abalone shell buttons.
If you are interested, Ann sells prints from her website, exclusively, the prints are signed and numbered.

... one last, fantastic piece of work from her, hope you are inspired. Try clicking on the image to enlarge, then you really get the full effect. Amazing work!!!
Check out the other pieces of artwork she has done, they are very cool!!
Image #1 Decorno, Image #2 here, Image #3 here, Image #4 here, Image #5 here.
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