Summer Series: Boots Vitamin E Gentle Eye Cream SPF15

Mmm crows feet. Shexy no? No. Coleen Rooney you may be infinitely richer and prettier than I am however you are almost the same age as me and your penchant for sunbathing has left you with crows feet that someone our age should not have (I say this based solely on pictures in magazines that may or may not have been photo shopped. Whatever, she’s still prettier than me).

It is so important to wear sunscreen and yet it can be quite difficult to find moisturisers that are safe for the eye area that contain SPF. SPF15 may not be a huge amount but it is a start. Once again this Boots own brand offering is rather cheap at £2.49 and the back of the packaging claims to “help reduce appearance of fine lines, puffiness & dark circles within 4 weeks”. I don’t really have fine lines (other than when I’m squinting which is quite often actually) and though I am plagued with dark circles puffiness has never been an issue for me so I can’t comment on these issues. As for reducing dark circles I’ve been sleeping much better recently so it’s probably the sleep rather than the cream that’s caused the improvement.

As a moisturiser isn’t kind of meh. It’s a very thick beige cream and it takes a good couple of minutes to absorb into my skin. I don’t find it to be hugely moisturising but then again I don’t need too much moisture round my eyes. What I love about it is that I have never ever experienced any sensitivity using this around my eye area, no silly little bumps under the skin and no matter how cack handed I am pre coffee no stinging if I miss and get it in my eye. Don’t laugh, it’s happened.

All in all I like it. It’s cheap eye safe sunscreen and it does the job well. If you need hefty moisturisation you may need something more potent. I however will be repurchasing in the near future xx
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