Quick fire question – tell us something you love about blogging and something you’re not too crazy about!
I love having something to do and organise. I love the comments from people, or lovely emails commenting on something. It's a lovely little boost to find out that someone else out there appreciates what you've done, or has something positive to say. It's my own little world to retreat into, where I can spend a good few hours making a nice and informative post if I want to.Something I'm not so crazy about is blogs that are a little too happy to promote themselves, or review every product brilliantly... then you find out it was a sponsored post. That annoys me. I know there are very few, and the majority of bloggers out there are genuine and lovely. But it is nice to just have a reciprocal relationship with the blogger, not the blogger and a PR company.
Why beauty/makeup? What made you decide you wanted to blog about it?
I love reading beauty blogs. I'd sit reading them for hours, make up just interests me, how little things I can change about my face can reinvent me (in my head anyway). After a while, I started using more products, being able to judge them a little better, see what I wanted and thought maybe I could give it a go. Though I'm only a humble blog in comparison to many, it's a good feeling to be able to share your opinion on something, or entertain someone else with similar interests.
You have 5 minutes before you have to leave the house. What items do you throw on?
Always mascara. Always. Hmm... About 2 years ago, my whole 'routine' took this long, suffice to say it's a little longer now. I'd have to say brow pencil too, little touch of brow gel aaaand, I think I could fit in there a quick, sheer cover of foundation to lift me.
Are there any brands that aren’t available in your country that you would love to try? What ‘local’ brands do you think everyone should have a chance to try?
If I see something on several blogs- I want to try it. Most commonly occuring would be ones like NYX- a cheaper brand, with what I've seen to be very good products. Oooh and a BB cream, they look fascinating.
As for local brands, I firmly believe that you can achieve any look you want with little money, so I'd say Collection 2000 and Natural Collection are good ones, with reliable products. Also, Superdrug's MUA brand has marvellous eyeshadows, nail polishes and pigments. I'll give an honorable mention to Barry M for their nail paints - brilliant, so's they are. However, I do own products from ranges like Rimmel and Bourjois which are very reliable.
Finally, I have to mention All About Face. They're Tesco's budget line and the eyeshadows and blushers that I've tried are brilliant (and only £1.49!)
What entices you to follow a new blog? What puts you off?
I like blogs that aren't pretentious, and are just about the bloggers thoughts, what they think of the products, whether THEY like it or not. As well as a healthy dose of other rambles and life stories. It also doesn't hurt if they've got a pretty layout, oh and pictures- pictures will always attract me!
Thanks for taking part! I always seem to forget Collection 2000 when thinking about fab local brands but they do have some lovely stuff! x
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