The Body Shop Satsuma Body Polish

I’m a huge exfoliator junky thanks my scaly dry skin on my body. I use a body exfoliator at least once a week in the shower and have tried a few. A couple of months ago I had a £5 voucher for The Body Shop and decided to put it towards this scrub, unfortunately I think it would have been better spent on something else. Me no likey...

This costs £9 for 200ml which isn’t actually a bad price (although you can buy similar products for much less elsewhere!). The scent is a strange one. It is very, very strong and I veer wildly from loving it one day to it making me feel sick the next. It is exceptionally sweet smelling, more like Satsuma’s soaked in syrup than a fresh fruity smell. Definitely sniff before you buy. Annoyingly for me the scent tends to hang around on the skin as well. I prefer my bath products to smell great at the time then to disappear so that I can smell of my perfume and nothing else. Just a personal preference.

I could forgive it the strange scent if it actually worked but sadly no luck on that front either. The loofah particles and crushed walnut scrubby bits are very sparse. I like my scrubs to be really, well, scrubby. When I use this I don’t notice any difference in my skin. It just isn’t harsh enough for me in that respect. However the high fragrance content is harsh and the formula itself does dry my skin out somewhat.

If you love fruity scents and tend to prefer very gentle scrubs this might be for you but for me it’s a definite no x
*Bought by me*
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