You evil tempters Selfridges!

Last year I swooned over the Selfridges luxury beauty advent calendar. At the time it cost £60 and I resisted. Yet this year I caved even though they have put the price up to £80? (plus p&p as I don’t live anywhere near Selfridges). The answer is simply that it gives me the opportunity to try a myriad of brands that I haven’t tried yet and probably won’t ever buy from due to the cost.

Isn’t it just gorgeous? Everyday you wake up to a luxury beauty sample ranging from perfume, lipstick, eyeliner and skincare. The brands include Lancôme, Shu Uemura, Armani, YSL. How could I resist? At first I thought £80 was a rip off but when you actually sit and calculate the costs it works out.

Now my only problem is self restraint (this has long been a problem). I’ve asked my husband to hide it from me until December when he must become the advent calendar police and ensure that I only open one door per day. I can’t wait! X
*I bought this*
Save You evil tempters Selfridges! on social network:

