Keep an Open Mind – But Not Too Open

I think a healthy bit of skepticism is – well – healthy. However skepticism can be carried to extremes. And while it’s important to have an open mind to new ideas, that too can be carried to extremes.

Then we call it gullibility. Somewhere between the extremes of total skepticism and unquestioning gullibility is a sensible and exciting place to live.

Anti-aging science is progressing by leaps and bounds. When medical science can make tremendous strides against a degenerative aging disease like Parkinson’s, why do people find it hard to believe that science can find a cure for the common wrinkle?

On the other hand, it’s easy to get sucked in by cosmetic marketing hype.

Remember that advertisers are selling “the sizzle; not the steak”. Few consumers would be attracted to ads in medical jargon with actual before and after photos.

So the ads feature twenty-something models and promises of instant results.

Accept the possibility of more effective anti-aging products. Do your research – or let do it for you. Keep your expectations reasonable and you aren’t likely to be disappointed.

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