NYX Angel Blush

The more products I try from NYX the more I fall in love. They are definitely in my top three favourite high street brands (the other two being Sleek and Barry M). I found this in an outlet centre in Warrington Bank Quay of all places and I think it cost about £6. For UK folks trying to get a hold of NYX I’ve ordered from Cherry Culture before and had good service. This is a powder blush in a soft pale pink shade. It isn’t overly cool toned though which suits me down to the ground and blue/ pink blushes don’t quite look right on me for some reason. Odd because blue/ pink lipsticks look fab. This is probably best for paler skin as I suspect it might look a little ashy on darker skin tones.

It’s a matte finish which I personally love. As with all the NYX powder products I’ve tried it is supremely soft to the touch and blends very well. In terms of pigmentation it has the best of both worlds, pigmented but not scarily so. It is difficult even for me to end up looking like a clown with this as it’s just so user friendly. Incidentally I find this a great colour to sweep over Maybelline Dream Mousse Blush in Dolly Pink. The combination wears like iron even on hot, sweaty summer days. 

I’m finding myself hankering after some of the cream NYX blushes next. Does anyone have any colour recommendations? X
*I bought this myself*
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