Inexplicably, I've been less and less interested in makeup lately. I used to jaunt to Sephora or Bergdorfs at least once a week (to say nothing of online orders) but lately I just haven't been in the mood. I'm not sure if I've hit a saturation point, I'm happy with what I'm currently using, companies are producing what I find to be less intriguing products, the summer heat is quashing my desire to wear a full face or I've temporarily shifted my priorities (and cash) to clothes and shoes. It's probably a combination of all of the above. I find that I go through phases like this--for weeks my wishlist will grow out of control and then all of a sudden there's nothing I want to buy. One thing is for sure though: I may not be acquiring makeup in droves, but I sure do love to shop! My closet has exploded with recent acquisitions. I've been overhauling my work wardrobe (I always feel so dorky in business casual and I'm trying to find pieces that make me feel confident and chic in and out of the office) and supplementing my workout gear.
Do you find yourself buying more or less makeup lately?
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